Disability is a pervasive issue. It affects every aspect of society. Everyone should be aware of and integrate the needs of persons with disabilities (PWD) in all development activities. Historically, disability was seen largely as a medical condition, with the source of the issue being the person. However, there is no commonly accepted definition of disability. This Medical or individual model was challenged by disability activists, who reconceived the notion as outlined in "Chronic Poverty and Disability" (Yeo R. 2001).
It is estimated that there are 500 million persons with disabilities worldwide, with the majority being in developing nations (IDF, 1998). Every year, millions of individuals become crippled due to illnesses associated with poverty. It is recognised that the International Development Goals will not be realized if the needs and rights of persons with disabilities are not addressed. Yeo (2001) claims that no nation in the world does not violate the rights of persons with disabilities. People with disabilities experience discrimination, assault, and abuse regardless of national borders, national affluence, or national poverty.
According to Yeo (2001), disability is often seen as an abomination, a shame, or a divine curse, however this is untrue. Families and society have not embraced persons with disabilities, therefore they hide them to escape familial and societal discrimination.
Various initiatives have been undertaken to alter society's attitude of handicapped individuals. These include the introduction of different forms of law, the establishment of conventions, and the implementation of various methods intended at changing society's opinion of them. Despite some progress, this unfavorable impression remains an issue in a number of countries, particularly developing nations such as Tanzania. Still, people with disabilities are seen as second-class citizens. They face discrimination and are denied the majority of their rights. They are undervalued initially because of their education, and then because of the assumptions and myths surrounding disability. It is a common misconception that handicapped individuals do not need employment, that their financial stability would be given by their family, and that their primary function will be at home due to their restricted ability to do other tasks. To ensure that the right to employment of people with disabilities is realized, these attitudes must change.
In recent years, several nations throughout the globe have implemented laws to promote the rights of individuals with disabilities to full and equal participation in society. This has often been the answer to ILO Convention No. 159 addressing vocational rehabilitation and employment of handicapped persons: policy on employment prospects for those with disabilities. Improving laws and implementation techniques has been listed as one of the most pressing topics to be addressed during the decade of handicapped people in Africa (1999-2009).
The effectiveness of law in enhancing employment opportunities for disabled people – whether they be vocational rehabilitation laws, quotas legislation, or anti-discrimination legislation – is crucial, not only in terms of the economic rights of disabled people, but also their broader social and political rights, which are closely linked to economic empowerment. In 1982, Nigeria passed the Disabled person, employment Act No. 2. This Act created a quota system mandating that 2% of the workforce in enterprises with over 50 workers must consist of individuals with disabilities. In addition, it created a national advisory committee whose purpose was to advise the minister responsible for the social welfare of individuals with disabilities (ILO, 2009). The Disabled Persons Employment Act of 2010 imposes comparable employment requirements for individuals with disabilities. Specifically, Article 31 requires companies to hire and retain the employment of persons with disabilities and establishes workforce quotas mandating that any firm with 20 or more employees must employ at least 3 percent of their entire workforce who have a disability.
In addition to mandating workforce quotas, Article 31 of the Act promotes the employment of persons with disabilities in a number of other ways. For example, it requires every employer to submit an annual report to the government on the employment status of persons with disabilities working in his or her office. Any office is expected to provide disabled individuals with equal pay, salaries, leaves, and disabilities.
Employment is a core human right that is human for all people, including those with disabilities. It may bring economic stability and independence, as well as giving persons worth and standing. It aids in integration and acceptance by non-disabled individuals, and most significantly, it gives life meaning (Yeo R. 2001). In accordance with the Disabled Persons (Employment) Regulation, 1985 (Government Notice No. 464/1984), the eligibility and registration requirements for disabled individuals under the Disabled Persons Employment Act, 1982 are specified. They reserve two percent of openings in vocational and training centers for handicapped individuals and compel all registered businesses to reserve at least two percent of positions for registered individuals with disabilities. In addition, the Disabled Person Employment Act of 2010 enforces comparable employment restrictions for persons with disabilities. Specifically, Article 31 mandates the employer to hire and retain the employment of people with disabilities and create workforce quotas mandating that all firms with 20 or more employees must employ at least 3 percent of their entire workforce as people with disabilities.
Nonetheless, the purpose of the Act is to enable people with disabilities get employment opportunities; however, the disabled employment Act registers a tiny number of individuals with disabilities compared to non-disabled people; 2% or 3% is insufficient to empower people with disabilities. In order to improve the proportion of registration, further amendment to this disability is required; at least 10 percent of slots must be allocated for persons with disabilities.
In addition, the implementation and oversight of section 7 and 8 of the Employment and Labor Relations Act of 2004 requires companies to ensure that they promote equal opportunity in employment and work to eradicate discrimination from any employment policy or practice. Additionally, the law prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination on all grounds, including disability.
The primary objective of this study is to examine the factors influencing the low employment rate of people with physical disability in Nigeria. Specifically, other objectives of this study are:
(i) Determine whether there is relationship between education system and employment rate of people with disability in Nigeria.
(ii) Ascertain if there is a significant relationship between public awareness on disability and low employment rate of people with disability in workplaces.
(iii) Ascertain whether there is any relationship between environmental barriers and low employment rate of People with disability?
The following research questions will be answered in this study:
(i) Is there any relationship between education system and employment rate of people with disability in Nigeria?
(ii) What is the relationship between public awareness on disability and low employment rate to people with disability in workplaces?
(iii) Is there any relationship between environmental barriers and low employment rate of People with disability?
The following null hypotheses will validate this study:
(i) There is no significant relationship between education system and employment rate of people with disability in Nigeria.
(ii) There is no significant relationship between public awareness on disability and low employment rate to people with disability in workplaces?.
(iii) There is no significant relationship between environmental barriers and low employment rate of People with disability.
The findings of this study have both theoretical and practical significance:
This research is a reaction to several scholarly arguments over the topic of low employment rates for individuals with disabilities, which hinders their full involvement in society. The study's findings may also serve as an inspiration for academicians and others who wish to add to or quantify what has been discovered and discussed, or conduct additional research on the topic. In addition, the research will contribute to the current literature on the employment rate of individuals with disabilities in Nigeria. The research will offer suggestions that may be utilized to enhance the living conditions of Nigerians with disabilities. Modification in certain policy and laws in employment to persons with disability may be required in order to expand access to employment possibilities to people with disability in Nigeria.
This study focuses on the factors influencing the low employment rate of people with physical disability in Nigeria. Specifically, this study focuses on determining the extent disabled people are employed in Nigeria, determining whether there is an education system for people with disability in Nigeria, determining whether there is public awareness on term disability at the workplace in Nigeria and identifying whether there are environmental barriers to people with disability at the work place in Nigeria.
In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher experienced some constraints, which included time constraints, financial constraints, language barriers, and the attitude of the respondents. However, the researcher were able to manage these just to ensure the success of this study.
Moreover, the case study method utilized in the study posed some challenges to the investigator including the possibility of biases and poor judgment of issues. However, the investigator relied on respect for the general principles of procedures, justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and weighing of evidence to overcome the challenges.
Disability refers to disadvantages or restriction of activity caused by contemporary social organization which takes nor or little account of people who have impairment and thus excludes them in the mainstream of social activities, (Oliver, 1999).
People with disability
An individual whose prospects of obtaining and retaining an employment are greatly reduced due to known physical, mental, or social factors. (Charlotte, 2009).
1.10 Organization of the Study
The study is categorized into five chapters. The first chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions and hypothesis, the significance of the study, scope/limitations of the study, and definition of terms. The chapter two covers the review of literature with emphasis on conceptual framework, theoretical framework, and empirical review. Likewise, the chapter three which is the research methodology, specifically covers the research design, population of the study, sample size determination, sample size, abnd selection technique and procedure, research instrument and administration, method of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical consideration. The second to last chapter being the chapter four presents the data presentation and analysis, while the last chapter(chapter five) contains the summary, conclusion and recommendation.
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